As you may have heard, Historical Conquest provides a rule sheet in every Starter deck it sells and online, but I don’t like reading rules. I would rather watch someone play or learn to play directly from someone. To make this available to all, we created a YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwMESbGwG5OqQrjoq6pCSpQ
This YouTube channel was designed to help newbies learn to play and help the strong players play better. At the same time, we want to make History more enjoyable so we will help you create more enjoyable game ideas to help in the process of learning History through Historical Conquest.
So there is a lot going on our YouTube channel. So, this is how we simplify it and this is the video lineup for this new school year:
Weekly Preview Mondays – This video will be live on Facebook every Monday around the noon hour. Stay tuned because with everything that is going on in our office we will try to post at noon. If I have the data for it, I will post no matter where I am, otherwise it will be as close to noon as I can make it and if you aren’t there when I go live then you can always catch us on YouTube when we upload it that night.
Tutorial Tuesdays – Learn how to play the game. This day includes tutorials, strategies, answering questions from players, and the very popular Stump the Creator. If you think you can stump me at my own game, I challenge you to do so. I have been corrected but to this day I think only one person has actually stumped me, and I never read the questions ahead of time as to give myself an advantage. I always wait until I am on the video. It’s a lot of fun.
Game Design Wednesday – We have a game design course where we walk the players through designing their own game. If you have ever wanted to design a game or produce a product, this course will take you through each step, from idea phase to production, and even into sales. To look at the course go to: https://www.historicalconquest.com/gamedesign. Each week, when we create that week’s class, we will also create a shorter video for everyone to see on how to design a product. There will be short tips and tricks to create your game. Now if you want the full video, all you need to do is register and they will come with the curriculum and in our closed FB group. In that we will give you daily tricks and tips to designing your game. Please join us.
Sneak Peak Thursday – Here is another very popular day to viewers, here I am caught telling a little too much information about what is coming up next, including new games, HC programs, and so much more. Every week we share just a little more into what we are doing at HQ and allow you to ask questions about the next steps. There are some great things coming so stay tuned.
Special Presentation Friday – This day is brand new and may or may not appear on Fridays, depending on if we have the presentation ready. This day will include our visit to Niagara Falls and Nikola Tesla’s powerhouse that he built with the financial assistance of George Westinghouse. We also visit the NY Hydro plant that is right down the street from Niagara Falls and show you the presentation that was designed by them showing the debate between AC and DC current. This will be a lot of fun to show. At the same time, we will also have videos showing other ways to use HC to help in your learning and so much more. Stay tuned because we will be really good.
This YouTube Channel is there to help all players become better, learn to make History fun, and give you everything you need to make a great return of your investment buying Historical Conquest. Stay tuned for next week where we will talk about local and virtual tournaments and how they are a great place to learn how to play.