With buying any new game, it is difficult to get started and understand the strategy and game play. After you learn the rules it becomes fun for a time but when you only have family to play with sometimes it’s not as enjoyable as it could be.
Historical Conquest wants every student to reach their full potential, learn History inside and out, and be able to play this amazing strategy game with others. The more you play, the more you learn. The more activities you can be part of, the more the History will become part of you. So how do we do this? How do we allow for more game play, learning, and a greater return on our investment into Historical Conquest? This game is not like any other game. It is not just a game you play every once and a while. It is a game you can play daily and/or weekly and not get bored, and in the next few weeks, in these newsletters, we will teach you how the many programs works to bring you a higher ROI on this buy.
Today we will start with the Ambassador Program. A network we put together so people from around the United States can meet locally and play with other players who purchased and love Historical Conquest. Talk about a return on your investment.
Playing with family is great, I mean we don’t call it the Ultimate Family Game for nothing, but what if you could play with other likeminded players from your area, like homeschoolers, gamers, church members, social groups, or even just friends of your family. This game can become even more enjoyable with the more people you play. Here are a few of the public tournaments who have registered with us:
To make this more of a possibility we created a nationwide network of players and fans of the game to set up games in their area to help fans of Historical Conquest to play it with those outside their family. We call this network the Ambassador Program. AND it is easy for you to become one of these Ambassadors:
At these tournaments you will be able to play the games and talk about the history behind each card. For classroom settings, we have lesson plans to go along with the gameplay. By attending these tournaments, you will earn rare cards for attending, special prizes for winning, and the possibility to compete on a larger scale with our National Tracking System:
Now what if you don’t have tournaments in your area. You could sign up to be an Ambassador. As an Ambassador, you can host your own tournaments around the United States and the world (we have groups that are talking about starting in Australia, South Korea, Philippines, Japan, and the United Kingdom). All you need to do is find a location and date to host the game. For your first tournament you could also receive the opportunity for the creator of the game to help host and judge the game. Sign up today:
Also, ask your local Ambassador for their personalized discount code. You will receive a discount of 10% whenever you use their code and they will receive points towards purchasing special prizes from Historical Conquest. Remember to ask your local Ambassador for their code.
Now to find a local tournament in your area we have a Facebook Group (open to the public) where you can connect with someone who may be hosting tournaments in your area. Say you don’t have a tournament in the area, you can also attend our virtual tournaments from our Facebook page and over Google Hangout:
Rare Cards: Everyone who attends receives a rare card from the Rare Card Earning Program. One is made available to tournament attendees and one is for those who are willing to write an essay about that rare card and receive it in the mail. Register here for the second rare card or if you aren’t able to attend and still want the rare card:
Prizes: Every month there is a different prize. For the month of August, the prize for the winner will be the person who brings the most friends to the tournament; friends that have never attended. They will receive a Randomized Booster as seen here: It contains 20 cards from an assortment of 100 that are not in the game.
National Bracketing System: Keep track of your national and international ranking by visiting our points tracker. All players receive 100 points for attending and 100 additional points with each win, 400 max per month. There is one player who has made it to the top and had his own card made for him. Trace W. now runs the virtual tournaments and judges his local tournaments. And yes, last year he even beat the creator at his own game, Historical Conquest. I know someone would bring that up.
There are a lot of incentives to becoming an Ambassador including:
Hosting Tournaments: You get to set up tournaments when they are convenient in your schedule and invite people who are likeminded to come and play. You meet new people and make social connections.
Discount Codes: You receive a code to hand out to your associates, friends, and those who attend your tournaments. Your friends receive 10% off the online price and you get a great incentive back including cash and points towards new merchandise.
Commission: For each retailer you have sign up, you receive a commission back on their purchase. This occurs every time they purchase, even if you don’t make any additional contacts, as long as you stay an Ambassador. We had one Ambassador who was very successful at this, I would love a few more success stories on the Ambassador FB page.
Private FB Group to talk to other Ambassadors: You heard right, there is now an Ambassador FB Group to discuss the ins and out, successes and lessons from hosting games. This will help us coordinate our efforts and give our Ambassador’s new ideas.
Buying everything at a discount: AND all Ambassadors receive a huge discount on everything in the Historical Conquest store. This incentive comes only after your first successful tournament.
Here is how to sign up:
For a limited time - For all those with concerns about hosting their first tournament or just don’t know where to start, the creator of Historical Conquest, Zack Edwards, may be open to attending and judging your first tournament. This is all based on distance and availability. If he can’t attend the first tournament maybe the second will work. He is open to traveling to you.
More on this later but we have held off on these three types of tournaments until we have 100 tournaments and/or Ambassadors and we are so close. We are already past the 1000 tournament players, which is huge to us.
The Ambassador Network gives your investment into Historical Conquest a great return of investment. You gain so much from the game and don’t have to put in too much effort AND your kids will learn and enjoy history. History shows this to be true. Thank you for reading this entire article. It was long but had so much good stuff in it. Stay tuned for more programs we provide here at Historical Conquest.