Make Historical Conquest Part of Your Homeschooling

Here you will learn many ways to use Historical Conquest to excite your students to want to get more from History. They are the future and the best way to prepare them for is by learning from the past.
(This is only an opt-in email, to enroll click the image or button below)
In this course we will discuss:
1) How to play the game and strategies to dominate;
2) Why games are essential in today’s learning;
3) Continual learning through the game and extra free benefits;
4) Videos of interesting topics in history (chosen by our viewers);
5) Ways of earning rare cards instead of spending all your money;
6) Welcoming you into our community.
BONUS: Sneak peaks to what’s coming next: contests, games, etc.
Each day we will send you a new email and some action items to achieve. Follow the lesson plans you desire and customize those you choose to help in your student's learning.
To sign up for this course please click on the button below or click the video to be taken to our sign-up page.
Helping Build Futures,
Zack Edwards
Creator of Historical Conquest
P.S. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us through email at