We know everyone has been asking for these ultra-rare cards, which came from the Create Your Own Card contest. These were only available at tournaments, conventions, or if you purchased something from our online store. Up to now there was no other way of getting them... until now. A $20 fee is not to pay for the cards themselves but simply the shipping for a year's worth of cards. If you pay the $20 then you are in the program. Each month, on the first week of each month we will display the rare card to collect. In order to obtain that card, you must write a one page, 12-font, double space report of any type about the card. The essay could be about the subject itself, it could be how it effects us today, something that happened because of the event or person, or something else that is relevant and note worthy. For this report, we will reward you with the rare card and if you are the top entry we will publish your essay for thousands to read in our newsletter and our magazine. Don't worry, we will proofread it, just in case, but we will not change any of its content. BONUS: If you pay the $20 by August 15, 2016, we will send you a packet of all 12 of 2015's rare tournament cards, with your first months card. That is right the first month, you will receive 1 assignment card, and another 12 bonus cards. For only $20 you will get 24 rare cards from 2015, 2016, and 2017.